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Brent A Carter


Meet Our Team - Professional and Welcoming Group at a Conference Table Faces the Camera, Team Leader Sitting on the Table with Arms Folded

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He is a hugely successful resource coordinator with thousands of positive outcomes for his client partners.

“Tell Brent Carter everything and he will navigate your risk transfer process. His reputation for transparency, both ways, has made him a Go To Agent for countless clients and carriers.”

Brent says, “Anyone can sell you an insurance policy. I manage the total process from pairing carriers to clients to sifting through the ashes if that time arrives. Nobody does more for the insured than my team and I, period.” Brent, a proven producer for over 25 years, has few peers in Texas and adds, “I have been blessed by the home we have at GSM Insurors. GSM celebrated 100 years in ’23 and is a Top 40 insurance partnership nationally. There’s a reason these two old dogs hunt together: we get results!”

Contact Brent anytime if you need anything at or directly by cell at 956-202-2322.

“All we have to offer you is Right Now…and we stand ready to serve!!”

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